baru aja gw mikir. gw bego nulis
seperti kata kusni yg konon kasdut "tak pandailah cik berbahasa"
taek ah.paan sih.
lantas untuk apa bikin blog? (jiee sok romansah)
yep. selama ini gw berasa maksa nulis.
noh baca aje yg seblomnya
hihihi dudul ach.. ga bakat gw
bukan bukan.. bukan itu yg pengen gw bahas skrg (ya ga nyambung.aneh)
hari ini gw online seperti biasa. buka tutorial ps. cari secret code. cari stock photos
then..seseorg saya tlp ahehe as usual lah
lalu melalu. saya tak sengaja melihat blog. isinya ...
berasa kesambet setan. eh. petir
ahh ga penting (tapi sayah berhasil nangis heheh)
itu juga bukan yg pengen gw bahas (loh?)
tapi what did i got from that moment are..
setelah kejadian yg membuat badai di otak sayah
tiba tiba gw inget anjing gw. dan pergi ke teras which is he was laying there
pas gw duduk. dia deketin gw, and stay beside me.
entah gw isengin dia.he always there.
if. when i start to cry, he lickin me.
seperti mencheer up gw. hey ayo semangat :')
gw jd mikir. (tumben jd sering mikir :p)
sehebat itukah anjing. does any human ever act like that?
as if human act like dog
wouldnt it be nice?
perhaps, anybody doesnt hurt
tapi pipis sembarangan ma gigit sendal ga masuk ya
ahh seperti menghirup udara segar.
mungkin, gw ga bakal ketemu seseorg yg seperti itu.
seseorg yg bakal terus dibalik pintu, entah karena cinta ato sahabat
menunggu, and stay beside (err not behind) wondering what does he/she feels
klo senyum, it feels glad to seeing him/her smiling
klo nangis, hey cheer up, im here eventhough you starring at others
then i will staying beside you. until you left
if it so, i would said cherish and smile eventhough my bark sounds hurt, as my heart is dying
its ok if im alone. then i will stay and search my new homies
if u come again. hey! then have a sit. i ll be there for you. i will cry for you.
then, could i being act like dog
yes, perhaps.
i cry for him.i did
hahh entah kenapa menangis jd bulan bulanan. oh sayah datang bulan rupanya ahehe
Saturday, January 13, 2007
tentang anjing
Posted by
6:04 AM
fussy peoples said
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