Svefn-G-Englar, rain, writing.
14.32 pm
svefn-G-Englar's sigur ros
nobodys home. all set alone
air condition set on my bro's room
rain outside. so bit cold
single happily. nobodys fussy annoyed
garuda biga happening :)
writing for magz. all ideas approach
my mind running
well.. living life to max
im so damn enjoying this
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
my fave mood thingy
Posted by
11:56 PM
1 fussy peoples said
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
again and again
Again and again and again
Do it again
Do it again
Again and again
It's a shame, it's a shame
It's a perfect shame
(the bird and the bee)
well.. kiki rang me. bring back old memories. hahahha
well.. i feel ashamed hahaha... thinking my silly attitudes for him
ohh im sorry kiki. dont mean to be. but im changing now... not really but tryin harshly hahaha
maybe next time we will sit down, getting up some drink and talk awhile. and for sure i wont hiding behind curtain hahahah. promise!
im so sorry boyy... hahahaha
let see... my next silly attitude.... or you wont?
Posted by
8:29 AM
1 fussy peoples said
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Whaddit I done?
hell..! what i ve done!...
awaked by song of animal collective... with same title ' whaddit i done'
this damn post actually not really important to tell but... i just wanna straight it on
i start realized when i do blog walk in my own shit blog.
read read rod...
and straigh to he s lovely post. DANG!!!
i have put those photos!! what hell am i thinking??? feel embarassed instantly..
even i already have absolute self confident when i answer those silly thingy that peoples bark
ahahahahah now me plan shut that thing off but.. i seems it proper sweet fit. hahahah
it named like ghost traumatic
first sight. feel bit scary. but everything seems gonna be okay
after seeing and start to review. WHAT THE FUCK!
Posted by
11:33 PM
fussy peoples said
Friday, December 07, 2007
backsound division
hello... pernahkah anda mendengar backsound division atau backsoundivision?
itu tuh klo lagi ada temen/sodara/sepupu/kakak/adik/sapaajalah yang lagi didatengin pacar/teman-tapi-ehmm/teman-yg-ada-urusan/penagih-utang/-nya
terus mereka sedang mind their own 'serious' bussiness
terus sebagai penggembira dan pencair suasana atau malahan memanaskan suasana
terus mari bersamasama buka pintu selebarlebarnya, buka jendela selebarlebarnya, buka keripik kentang, buka kulkas, buka semuanyaa lahh~
terus mari volume speaker di agak pol in (jikalau kosan anda bersahabat pol juga gpp)
terus mari di play lagu bertajuk senada (aihh bhsnya) hahaha
oke kan?
Posted by
8:28 PM
fussy peoples said
Monday, December 03, 2007
lalu lalu ITB dan ISI
hallo yang disitu!
well, hari ini sayah mendapat kunjungan (lagi) dari ISI (akhir2 ini sering datang tamu, aih malu~) , alumni ISI actually.
lalu dia bercerita betapa surganya seni grafis itb itu.ohh astaga.
lalu dia juga bercerita sebesar apa perjuangan anak2 seni grafis isi swaktu membuat karya, mulai cetak woodcut diinjek2. simply, mereka ga ada mesin, sedangkan kita? mau yg tinggal ngoles tinta sampe pake baren juga ada. tapi hasilnya? karya anak2 isi lebih banyak! walaupun secara konsep masih bisa dipertimbangkan.
lalu after heard that story, i feel very bery really willy ASHAMED! damn gila! gw bikin cukil warna aja nyetak 2 minggu (12 warna sih hehe, masuk alesan gak?)
lalu after heard that story, sayah serasa dapat tamparan menyegarkan. oh yeah baby!. jadi semangat berkarya. hahahah thanks banget buat anak2 ISI! sayah kagum!
lalu yahh saya dan teman2 kembali mengobrol ttg hal itu, memang sih ITB dan ISI institusi yg sangaatt berbeda, diliat dari faktor root parent made aja udah beda, ITB dari barat. ISI dari rakyat setempat. we all knew that! ga ada yg menang ato kalah, byk yg bilang ITB menang konsep. hmmm sapa yang ngomong nih?, but i tho it was yes, cuma.. mnurut gw yg namanya seni rupa tetap aja visual yang utama. gmn mau menang visual klo bikin karya aja emmm...
lalu jadi ingin ke ISI. december nanti sayah ingin ke isi. hore. siapa tau dapet skill baru + inspirasi baru + teman2 baru + jodoh baru (hoak..cuih.)
Posted by
5:48 AM
1 fussy peoples said
Sunday, December 02, 2007
he is so lovely
well.. let me say MAYBE im fall for this guy. but...
nevermind. names gary, lives in liverpool, uk. and..
he so lovely!
here some of his webcam that i took
Posted by
7:39 AM
fussy peoples said
wicked sad to say
it might be sooo.... upset!
yes i am, im upset down, down down down...
maybe, now, i just wanna kick that bitch arse!
arguing arguing arguing arguing
yeah man.. thats how im gonna do
tell her how pathetic she is
yes i will someday, i will!!!
yeah baby! i will kick that vijayjay!! hahahah
Posted by
4:08 AM
fussy peoples said
Saturday, December 01, 2007
bad bad bad... ive got headache!
kenapa sih smuanya gampang aja nuangin masalah.
i may never looks that i dont had any problem. but deep down i have many!
and them, like always, its like insane monkey keep banging my head, melontarkan kenyataan2 yang menyedihkan. membuat sedih then makes me pisses off! "cant you just shut up!"
actually im not that typical who loves to care others,
as long as you dont cry or beggin for my effort or you lost your home or even lose your consciusness. well i care. i do care
but all em do is just slappin my head. i feel sorry and i wanted to help. but icant do anything and you know that. you always knew that. i never can do anything for your prob. so please.. this is very hard to mee. please let me being peacefull... i have many things to think about and its not only our problem, please...
we all have same prob, same fact, life is not wonderland
and i knew it, im not a little girl anymore
so please mom.. please stop
Posted by
9:22 AM
fussy peoples said
nyari tempat buat kumpul kebo!
hahahahaha~ not really exactly with that stupid title.
masa yah masa waktu maen di rumah brendan, kita maen dokidokigorilla (itu tuh, mirip spin the bottle, cuma ini gorilanya lompat) terus berisik banget yahh maklum anak muda. masih lincah dan bersemangat trus dimarahin sama tetangganya brendi yang ehmm.. cerewet "HEY KAMU BERISIK, ADA SUARA AWEWE, KUMPUL KEBO YAH!!" ahahahahahahahah~
yah iyalah berisik ada si charda, jodi, chita, brendan dan...sayah!
oke.. bukan itu maksudnya..
jadi.. gw lagi nyari kosan nih..ato rumah kontrakan yg supernyaman
niatnya sih di apartemen cimbeleit/ciumbele..uit.. (susah bet) tapi... tak ada yg kosong yah niatnya sih be 3 sama si chita ma amira tea..
apa anda tau? apa anda punya informasi terkini mengenai itu?
jika ya hubungi saya segera di..
blog ini hehe
Posted by
6:03 AM
fussy peoples said
posting lagi ah!
ahahahaa ternyata saya keasikan ngedit ini-itu, tryin to update huh?
yeah masalah yang tadi sudah lupa ahaha
seperti kata charda. un ga setuca.. nikmati nasibmu
Posted by
5:58 AM
fussy peoples said
ha! tami mulai menulis lagi (hopes it will forever :( )
hari ini.. pergi jalan2 ke senayan, lihat2 pameran ikan, makan ikan (ehehe), beli ikan, lihat kaktus, beli carlos baru, biasalah ada org tua, bisa minta macem2 hehe
and then pulang. buka laptop. nyalain internet. liat profile mantan hahaha oh no! ok he has his own world now and so do i!
teruss.. buka profile gebetan yg jauh disana. biasanya pas buka ada suara drumnya si all shall perish. sekarang berubah jadi scouting for girl! ha! judulnya she's so lovely.
whats happen to him? apakah ada wanita lain (cih cuih) ? atau dia cuma suka lagunya (hmmmm) ? atau atau ata u...
Posted by
4:03 AM
fussy peoples said